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education games Gamification February 27, 2023 Benefits of Using a Gamification Platform for Education

Introduction A gamification platform is a software system that enables educators to design and implement game-like experiences for learners. These platforms often have a variety of features, such as points, badges, leaderboards, and challenges, that make learning more fun and engaging. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of using a gamification platform for education …

bitcoin design developing games Gamification February 9, 2023 Rescuing Web3 Games: The Key to Success Lies in 20 Years of Gamification Insights on Motivation and Rewards

Blockchain meets gaming, but do they play well together? The surprising answer comes from the Gamification research WEB3 SERIES PART 1/2 Play-to-earn games are similar to gamification because they both incentivize players to perform specific actions through rewards. In play-to-earn games, rewards can come in the form of in-game items that have real-world value, whereas …

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