Introduction Gamification is a powerful tool for enhancing engagement, motivation, and learning in various settings. This article explores how gamification can boost team performance, and how our gamification platform and app can be used to improve feedback, collaboration, recognition, training, and micro-learning. Using Gamification for Feedback Taking the team pulse regularly can help a manager …

aprilie 12, 2023
Gamificarea în HR pentru FinTech: Cum să Atragi, Reții și Dezvolți Talente de Top
Introduction HR is an essential function, but it can be especially critical for busy FinTech firms. These firms require a skilled workforce to develop, implement and maintain financial technology products and services. In addition, they need to attract and retain top talent to remain competitive in a rapidly changing market. To ensure the success of …

aprilie 4, 2023
Gamificarea și Soluțiile Sustenabile în 2023: Impactului Urbanizării Asupra Mediului
Introduction: Environmental Challenges of Urbanization Urbanization has brought about significant environmental challenges, including air and water pollution, deforestation, and loss of biodiversity. According to the United Nations (UN, 2018), more than half of the world’s population currently lives in urban areas, and by 2030 the number is projected to rise over 60%. Therefore, it is …
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